2 мин

Love We Must Part Now

Love, we must part now: do not let it be Calamitious and bitter.

In the past There has been too much moonlight and self-pity:

Let us have done with it: for now at last Never has sun more boldly paced the sky,

Never were hearts more eager to be free,

To kick down worlds, lash forests; you and I No longer hold them; we are husks, that see The grain going forward to a different use.

There is regret.

Always, there is regret.

But it is better that our lives unloose,

As two tall ships, wind-mastered, wet with light,

Break from an estuary with their courses set,

And waving part, and waving drop from sight.


Philip Larkin

Philip Arthur Larkin (9 August 1922 – 2 December 1985) was an English poet, novelist, and librarian. His first book of poetry, The North Ship, w…

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