2 мин

Further Instructions

Come, my songs, let us express our baser passions.

Let us express our envy for the man with a steady job and no worry about the future.

You are very idle, my songs,

I fear you will come to a bad end.

You stand about the streets,

You loiter at the corners and bus-stops,

You do next to nothing at all.

You do not even express our inner nobilitys,

You will come to a very bad end.

And I?

I have gone half-cracked.

I have talked to you so much that I almost see you about me,

Insolent little beasts!


Devoid of clothing!

But you, newest song of the lot,

You are not old enough to have done much mischief.

I will get you a green coat out of

With dragons worked upon it.

I will get you the scarlet silk

From the statue of the infant Christ at Santa Maria Novella;

Lest they say we are lacking in taste,

Or that there is no caste in this family.


Ezra Pound

Ezra Weston Loomis Pound (30 October 1885 – 1 November 1972) was an expatriate American poet and critic, a major figure in the early modernist p…

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