2 мин

It Was A Lover And His Lass

It was a lover and his lass  With a hey and a ho, and a hey-nonino!

That o'er the green corn-field did

In the spring time, the only pretty sing time,

When birds do sing hey ding a ding:  Sweet lovers love the Spring.

Between the acres of the

These pretty country folks would lie:

This carol they began that hour,

How that life was a but a flower;

And therefore take the present time  With a hey and a ho and a hey-nonino!

For love is crowned with the

In the spring time, the only pretty ring time,

When birds do you sing hey ding a ding:  Sweet lovers love the Spring.


William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare (bapt. 26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616) was an English playwright, poet, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in …

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