2 мин

Sonnet Written in Keats Endymion

I saw pale Dian, sitting by the brink Of silver falls, the overflow of fountains From cloudy steeps; and I grew sad to think Endymion's foot was silent on those mountains.

And he but a hush'd name, that Silence keeps In dear remembrance,—lonely, and forlorn,

Singing it to herself until she weeps Tears, that perchance still glisten in the morn:— And as I mused, in dull imaginings,

There came a flash of garments, and I knew The awful Muse by her harmonious wings Charming the air to music as she flew— Anon there rose an echo through the vale Gave back Enydmion in a dreamlike tale.


Thomas Hood

Thomas Hood (23 May 1799 – 3 May 1845) was an English poet, author and humorist, best known for poems such as "The Bridge of Sighs" and "The Son…

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