2 мин

Leetle Lac Grenier

Leetle Lac Grenier, she 's all alone,

Right on de mountain top,

But cloud sweepin' by, will fin' tam to

No matter how quickly he want to go,

So he'll kiss leetle Grenier down below.

Leetle Lac Grenier, she 's all alone,

Up on de mountain

But she never feel lonesome, 'cos for w'y?

So soon as de winter was gone

De bird come again an' sing to her ev'ry day.

Leetle Lac Grenier, she 's all alone,

Back on de mountain dere,

But de pine tree an' spruce stan'

Along by de shore, an' mak' her

For dey kip off de win' an' de winter storm.

Leetle Lac Grenier, she 's all alone,

No broder, no sister near,

But de swallow will fly, an' de beeg moose

An' caribou too, will go long

To drink de sweet water on Lac Grenier.

Leetle Lac Grenier,

I see you now,

Onder de roof of

Ma canoe 's afloat, an' de robin sing,

De lily's beginnin' her summer dress,

An' trout 's wakin' up from hees long long res'.

Leetle Lac Grenier,

I 'm happy now,

Out on de ole canoe,

For I 'm all alone, ma chere, wit' you,

An' if only a nice light rod I hadI 'd try dat fish near de lily pad!

Leetle Lac Grenier,

O! let me go,

Don't spik no more,

For your voice is strong lak de rapid 's roar,

An' you know youse'f I 'm too far away,

For visit you now -leetle Lac Grenier!


William Henry Drummond

William Henry Drummond (April 13, 1854 – April 6, 1907) was an Irish-born Canadian poet whose humorous dialect poems made him "one of the most p…

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