2 мин

I Am Tired

I am tired, that is clear,

Because, at certain stage, people have to be tired.

Of what I am tired,

I don't know:

It would not serve me at all to

Since the tiredness stays just the same.

The wound hurts as it

And not in function of the cause that produced it.


I am tired,

And ever so slightly

At the tiredness being only this -In the body a wish for sleep,

In the soul a desire for not

And, to crown all, a luminous

Of the retrospective understanding…And the one luxury of not now having hopes?

I am intelligent: that's all.

I have seen much and understood much of what Ihave seen.

And there is a certain pleasure even in tirednessthis brings us,

That in the end the head does still serve forsomething.written under the pen name of,

Alvaro de Campos


Fernando Pessoa

Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa (13 June 1888 – 30 November 1935) was a Portuguese poet, writer, literary critic, translator, publisher and phi…

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