2 мин

We Love Football

We Love Football - football, for, before, four

We Love Football

Football is here 

And we're all going to cheer

The happiness and joy

They bring I can't deny

Football always on my mind

Apart from my beautiful wife

So let's put our feet up because

We all love the beautiful game

Because it's simply the best

No other sport is as exciting

No other comes anywhere near

Football we all love to cheer

And lots of atmosphere

Lots of drunks so come

Along and lets sing a happy song

The beautiful game 

Is back let's get together

And all cheer 

All the children playing ball 

Even my granny kicks along

And the goals they score 

And thousands cheer

Action all the way

And the fans come and pay

Football is so beautiful

Football is so true

And while she's watching love island

I'll be watching football all day long

So come along and lets all cheer

Together all day long..

© 2020 David P Carroll Poems..


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