2 мин

A Dream

I dreamt of autumn in the window's twilight,

And you, a tipsy jesters' throng amidst. ' And like a falcon, having stooped to slaughter,

My heart returned to settle on your wrist.

But time went on, grew old and deaf.

Like thawing Soft ice old silk decayed on easy chairs.

A bloated sunset from the garden painted The glass with bloody red September tears.

But time grew old and deaf.

And you, the loud one,

Quite suddenly were still.

This broke a spell.

The dreaming ceased at once, as though in answer To an abruptly silenced bell.

And I awakened.

Dismal as the autumn The dawn was dark.

A stronger wind arose To chase the racing birchtrees on the skyline,

As from a running cart the streams of straws.


Пастернак Борис

Произведения Бориса Пастернака. (29 января [10 февраля] 1890 — 30 мая 1960) — русский поэт, писатель и переводчик. Один из крупнейших русских по…

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